Massage Delft. Massagepractice De Aanpak

Treatment of paincomplaints and being overworked

I enjoy it when clients ask specific questions. For instance that they suffer (sometimes years) from ‘something’. That ‘something’ has been treated endlessly without much progress. Most of the time these complaints started after an accident, an injury, a misstep, after a period of very hard working, after an incident.
These questions trigger me and make me awake.
Of course next I will ask you some questions and then we start working.
How? Read further . . .

Massage practice

First of all I listen to your wishes and questions . . . . I take your story about possible complaints seriously, even when it seems to make no sense. Most of the time during the intake connections between the actual situation and certain experiences in the past come to surface.

Next we go to work.

During the massage I will respond to your reactions and observations. The entire physiology will be put in motion in a gentle way. During the massage the entire body will be involved.

Massage offers excellent possibilities to recover from whiplash, burnout, chronic headaches and pains due to injuries and overload.

When you are confident after your first visit we make up plan for recovery with massage, and some simple excercises for you to do at home .

Welcome at ‘de aanpak’










About de aanpak, massage in Delft.

Massage Delft Marcel DavidsWhat about ‘de aanpak’. Marcel Davids (1956) ‘My career has as its giding work with matter.’ I worked as a gardiner, farmer, carpenter and a painter. In addition, as a career counselor, branch manager of an employment agency , professional organizer and color consultant. How did I become a masseur? During movement lessons of my training at the Human Development Counseling Foundation several students told me that me touching them was a pleasant experience. I decided to make touching my profession. I became a qualified sports masseur and continued with specilisations in chairmassages, triggerpoint massage and built up a ten years experience. During the years I moved more and more to treat people with pain, old injuries, traumas. I’m fascinated by beauty. The beauty of the mounatins and the sea, of plants and animals, the colours in the sky. Beside that my passion goes equally to human creations like archtecture, music and science. For me the human body is a major achievement of architecture and I love working with it in the massages. My motivation is offering optimal service. Bewaren Bewaren

The massage day Delft

“I should have done this years earlier.” This statement, which I hear often from clients, has motivated me to organize De Massagedag Delft. Why not give people an opportunity to get acquainted with massage. A special day of massages, accessible, free of charge, in a beautiful place and with workshops and tasty healthy foodies.toverstokje Come back to this statement of many clients, it strikes me how often and especially how long people live with physical symptoms,  they went through a medical circuit, physiotherapy and still not achieve the desired result. . . . .read more Bewaren Bewaren Bewaren Bewaren


Guess what, a client brings me flowers, just because she was happy with a book I recommended. The book I mentioned is called ‘Radical Remission’ and it tells the story of men and women who were able to heal from cancer against all odds. People facing death, often send home to die by doctors who could not help them . . . .read more Bewaren Bewaren

Tired and moody?

Some time ago I had an appointment with my son to go running in ‘The Delftse Hout’ in Delft. We decided to find out how far we could come. Well, we ran at about 7 kilometers, I had a slightly better condition as at this moment. Anyway, what I want to tell you are the things that rose to my consiousness during this exercise. It startet like this: P1000502 The weather is nice and we have mapped out a nice route . . . read more Bewaren

Your privacy.

The information you share with me is only used to communicate with you. That means that your mail address or phone number will be used to communicate about an appointment or to sent an invoice. Your info will not be shared with other parties.

The first appointment we start with an intake. You share with me what you want to share. This information will be kept on paper, not digitally and is not available for third parties. This info is private and stays private and will not verbally be shared with other people.

If things are not clear, please contact me.

Marcel Davids,  De aanpak massagepractice.